太平洋風暴 Storm Over the Pacific 含 1.03 升級 戰略模擬遊戲 英文破解版
遊戲名稱: 太平洋風暴 Storm Over the Pacific 含 1.03 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 戰略模擬
更新日期: 2010.08.14
遊戲發行: Wastelands Interactive(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/stormoverthepacific/index.html
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
這款由 Wasteland Interactive 公司製作,是一套龐大的戰略遊戲。它給予玩家
《太平洋風暴》[由 4場大戰役以及8個場景組成。它們將帶玩家登上太平洋裡數不
《太平洋風暴》 繼承了《第二次世界大戰:憤怒之刻》(wastelands interactive
公司的前作)中優良的遊戲概念,並將其移至完全不同的地理政治環境中。 《第二
Storm Over the Pacific 含 1.03 升級 1.03 升級修正↓
- Air Strike description corrected
- Corrected starting date for Saipan scenario
- Corrected wrong price of units over first level
- Improved screen behavior after zooming or panning the map
- Zooming in and out does not causing map to jump/shake
- Corrected CTD when loading a scenario with country without a
- Corrected supply source display when unit was taking supply
from Mulberry if it was cit off from city after Mulberry has
been created
- Corrected beachhead display
- Partisans will appear only if they are land connected
- Strategic bombers redeployment fixed
- Corrected wrong triggers for Yantan Airfield event in
Okinawa scenario
- Corrected nuclear weapon range
- Corrected nuclear weapon production
- Partisans in China now more dependable on Japan garrisoning
- Australian AI should coordinate strategic planning better in
case of Japan invasion in Pacific Campaign
- AI will spend PP for technologies more rational
- AI focus more on repairing Naval units
- Possibility to land on Maloelap added in Pacific Campaign
- Ishikawa (23|38), Ginowan (20|47) Ginoza (35|35) and Onna
(28|33) added to Okinawa scenario
- Normanton (146|143) and Daly Waters (129|141) added in
Pacific Campaign
- Hiroshia port size increased to 8 in Pacific Campaign
- Vichy units in Indochina seceded to French Indochina
- Changed convoys data in Pacific Campaign
- Communists China will become more important player in fight
for dominance in China in Pacific Campaign
- Communists China can be recreated after its fall in Pacific
- Shore bombardment now depends on the range only
- Landing Crfts and Troop Transporters now can not move after
embarking, must wait for next turn
- First Marine Division event add
- F5 key now turns on/off units names
- Fleets can be sorted now
- Commanders can be sorted
- Few changes in hotkey assignemnt
- New event method added Country.ChangeOwnershipOfAllAirUnits
(countryID, CountryID)
- Avalibility to bind numeric keys to different locations on
the map
- Added new report of naval groups lost
- Possibility to add alternative land units imgaes for
- Possibility to add images for customized land units (by
naming the file with the name of unit)
- Possibility to sort columns in Units managers
- Added possibility to edit .ini files for scenarios
軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝完成後的 Storm_over_the_Pacific_Manual.pdf 檔案)
- OS: Windows XP, Vista or 7
- CPU: 1.5 GHZ
- RAM: 512MB
- Video/Graphics: DX9 with 128 MB of RAM
- Sound: Basic Soundcard
- Hard disk space: 600MB
‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
NTSF 格式硬碟。
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明
創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級 策略模擬遊戲 英文破解版
遊戲名稱: 創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 策略模擬
更新日期: 2010.08.14
遊戲發行: Muzzly Lane Software(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/makinghistoryiithewaroftheworld/index.html
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
玩家還能著手研究一組武器系統及戰術演進的發展; 不斷修理、強化和升級現有力
,宗教和政治思想而做具體區分; 諸多客觀事實將挑起國家動亂,誘發叛亂,政變
1.0.16 升級修正
New Features
- Air units now gain experience for combat
- Add revenue categories for Canned Goods and Fish Products to
Finance panels
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that stopped liberation from working when you were
still at war with the previous owner
- Newly liberated nations will pick their historic capital
when possible
- Fixed bug that could cause a crash when wars merge
- Cleanup all treaties when nations are destroyed (fixes save
- Fixed bug that allowed bombing units to bomb a region even
though they should have been killed by AA
- Fixed bug that sometimes blocked dismantling of city
buildings and region improvements
- Fixed bug that sometimes sent decision point for dismantling
resource producers to the wrong nation (fixes save error)
- Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the game to stall when
annexing a puppet
- Added new notifications
- AA damage/destruction
- Aerial combat damage/destruction
- Coastal Defense damage/destruction
- New Dismiss All button for notification paper
- Added jump target button for top of notification newspaper
- Used new utility values to build bars in summary panel
combat bubbles
- Switched flags in combat bubbles to be attacker/defender
instead of you/other nation
- Fixed display of Angolan flags
- Region worker and digger will be idle if the project is
stalled for lack of resources
- Added sorting to Trade Deals panel
- Added more notification background images
- Exposed infrastructure hit percentage in encyclopedia unit
- Updated model for trade interdiction
- Improved choosing of factories to build
- Fixed bug that could cause the game to stall when land
invasions merged
- Added missing airbases
- Made AA and Coastal Defenses much more effective (they
werent very effective at all)
- Tuned build times of region improvements
- Fixed Next buttons in multiplayer
- Fixed autosave for multiplayer
- Added a confirm dialog box to deleting saved games
Known Issues
- Multiplayer load still fails - fix coming next week
1.0.15 升級修正
New Features
- Add Trade Partners and Interdiction data to Trade Routes map
- Selecting a nation will show trading partners, routes used,
and interdiction data from last turn
- Major update to liberation behavior
- Players may now liberate any regions they control without
waiting for wars to end
- Player may now choose which regions to liberate when
liberating a nationality
- Bump money transfer buttons up to start at $10,000 rather
than $100
- Stop auto-transferring regions to allies when a nation joins
an alliance
Bug Fixes
- Fix crash that occurred if city output was modified to 0 by
- Fixed occasional crash when alliances merged
- Fixed crash that could occur when a city building was
- Fixed crash that could occur when a research building was
- Fixed crash that could occur when a resource producer was
- Fixed rare crash when a nation is destroyed
- Fix some inconsistencies in the farm production numbers
between outputs/improvements/tooltips
- Modified bomb hostile units behavior to be settable only
when hostile units exist in a region, and to cancel if no
hostile units remain
- PT Boat shotting direction fixed
- Fixed bug in ranged attack that let all units attack
without range restrictions
- Fixed bugs in use of missile units
- Fixed bug that allowed units (including ships at sea) to
resupply even when not in supply
- Fixed ICBMs to be able to deliver atomic bombs
- Fixed bug in handling of arms and oil when a unit is
- Fixed bug that prevented units from getting initial oil
when created
- Fixed bug that could cause a negative value trade deal
to be reported
- Fixed bug that could cause food revenue to go negative
- Add terrain Modifier page to Encyclopedia
- Add jump to Terrain Modifiers page to terrain icon in
region panel
- Reworked Stability Modifiers on Government Panels
- Game Over panel now pops up when player is conquered in
single player games
- Wrap flags on Wars panel
- Display Region Supply Penalty on city IPUs
- Format numbers on end game screen
- Fill in Idle MPUs on Region Statistics panel
- Change computation of victory % for tooltip on engagement
- Added Tool tip for Unemployment in Government Panels
- Sort nationalities in the Government Nationalities panel
- Fixed region workers to always be above ground
- Update popout notifications panel background
- Tweak region panel text for transportation improvements
- Add movement modifier value to tooltip on transportation
improvement on small region panel
- Improved attack logic
- Improved logic for choosing units to build
- Start using military access ports for fleet resupply
- Improved opportunistic expansion target selecting
- Fixed some naval unit bugs that caused units to get stuck
- Fixed rare bug that would stall game
- Added Food Processing Plant Industry Building
- Added 2 new money generating city outputs tied to Food
Processing Plant: Canned Goods & Fish Products (only port
- Added Canneries research project back into game as a pre-req
to the Food Processing Plant
- Fix Decals for SW Africa
- Modified Completed Research to account for new Canneries
- Region Nationality icon to display Regional Nationality as
opposed to Owners Nationality
- Increased texture quality on units
- Fix typo in Oil Refineries description
- Edited String Display to swap Eastern & Western Nepal region
- Altered Historic Regions data for Egypt & UK
- Tuned naval unit movement points
- Updated terrain movement and combat modifiers
- Update transportation improvement modifiers
- Added support for loading saved multiplayer games
- Currently all players must return and choose the same
- More improvements to content updating
Known Issues
- Tooltips on Units in Engagement panels are incorrect
- Air units flying missions from carrier units in engagements
will draw mission arrows from wierd location
‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
NTSF 格式硬碟。
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明
空中王牌.太平洋之戰 Air Aces Pacific 含 1.01 升級 空戰模擬遊戲 英文破解版
遊戲名稱: 空中王牌.太平洋之戰 Air Aces Pacific 含 1.01 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 空戰模擬
更新日期: 2010.07.21
遊戲發行: Wastelands Interactive(T.iNYiSO S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://wastelands-interactive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=72
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Wastelands Interactive 今日宣佈了由 Vipagames 開發的新作《空中王牌.太平
- 真實的空中戰鬥
- 動態場景
- 無數的活躍的飛機
- 充滿變數的真實環境
- 多種可選飛機
- 生涯模式
Air Aces: Pacific v1.01 Update 包含以下修正↓
- improved look of water
- improved behavior of water
- improved connection between land and water
- improved sky
- moon added in night missions
- added more diverse vegetation on islands
- improved ships lighting
- soft shadows added
- improved ships firing
- improved shading on island
- improved look of roofs
- ships level od detail changed
- fire and smoke added to shooted away parts of the plane
- amount of details increased in game menu
- changed water reflections
- clouds graphic changed
- improved look of the game on low details
- optimized display of the island terrain
- particles now displayed more properly
- objects shadow building improved
- post-process system changed
- sfx balance fixed
- improved flares behavior during collision with water
- corrected brightness of ships when a rocket closing in
- corrected sun flares
- corrected radial blur of the plane position
- corrected awards display after end of the mission
- corrected a bug that sometimes caused wrong collison detection for the bullets
- corrected mission 10
- corrected mission 13
- corrected mission 15
- corrected problems with loading explosion gfx
- corrected problem with wrong clouds colour display on ATI cards
- fixed problems with wrong display of bullets on ATI cards
- fixed loading sfx files
- plane speed display corrected
- lighting now behaves properly when game pasued
- improved torpedo/rocket camera behavior
- AA turrets now visible on map
- flight steering slightly corrected
- changed information about secondary targets
- carrer points system improved
- improved targeting in zoom mode (after pressing space)
- achievment points balanced
- building collisions improved
- shock wave range increased
- bullets trajectory calculated earlier
- improved enemy planes AI
- improved AA-turrets AI
- improved AI pathfinding
‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
NTSF 格式硬碟。
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明
遊戲名稱: 狙擊之王.幽靈戰士 Sniper Ghost Warrior 含 Update 2 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD)
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 第一人稱射擊
更新日期: 2010.07.23
遊戲發行: City Interactive(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/sniperghostwarrior/index.html
中文網站: http://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=35945
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
《狙擊手:幽靈戰士》的故事發生在一個叫做 Isla Trueno的南美小島上。島上的
Vasquez 將軍率領其軍隊推翻了當地民主政府,試圖控制整個小島。而玩家作為隱
指出,Vasquez 將軍將在一個舊的精煉廠與他的同伙們共同參加一個會議,而這也
呼吸頻率,以便提高射擊準確度。同時, "子彈時間" 系統也可以使鏡頭追隨子彈
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Update 2 的更新修正或新增功能如下↓
- Fixed interactions of camouflage system with plants (the
player will be less vulnerable to enemy sight when hidden in
- Adjusted AI alertness and seeing (e.g. the player will be
less vulnerable to enemy sight at long distances)
- Tweaked influence of the players posture and movement speed
on being spotted by the enemies
- Tweaked AI reactions, better behavior in combat situations
- Removed over 95% of the static AI scripts during stealth
actions and replaced with the improved stealth system
- Fixed multiplayer statistics
- Adjusted duration of breath-holding
- Fixed minor multiplayer maps geometry issues
- Fixed possible random crashes on multi processor systems
- Fixed minor stability problems on several hardware
- General Fixes/tweaks
- Fixed registration of internet profile
- Fixed blink after exiting game to menus
- Adjusted melee (knife) attack strength
- Adjusted damage, accuracy and range of AI weapons
軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝完成後的 readme.txt 檔案)
- Windows XP/VISTA/7
- Intel Pentium 4 3,2 GHz, Intel Pentium D 2.66 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 3500+
- 1 GB RAM (XP), 2 GB RAM (VISTA/7)
- 256 MB graphics card, DirectX 10.0 or 9.0c compatible, Shader Model 3.0
- GeForce (6800/7600-7950/8600-8800/9600-9800/GTX 260-280) or Radeon (X1650-1950/HD2400-2900/3650-3870/4650-4870)
- 6,5 GB of free hard drive space
- Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0c
- DVD-ROM, mouse, keyboard
‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
NTFS 格式硬碟
‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明